Stories and Curiosities

2025 The Year of The Snake


The Year of the Dragon ended on January 29 to make way for the Year of the Snake. Baccarat, Lalique and Daum launched a collection of crystal sculptures representing this particular animal. But why is so much attention being placed on the Snake? 

Stoke on Trent and Minton: English porcelain of the 19th century

The production of ceramics and porcelain historically finds its deepest origins in certain regions of France and England; from these places a knowledge of the material and its workmanship arose so profound that even today products with such origins are synonymous with beauty, quality and consequently adorn our homes.

One of the homelands of ceramic work is Stoke on Trent itself.

Sculpture: Daum "Paloma" di Nathalie Seguin

Nathalie Seguin, born in Angers in 1964, being the daughter of a painter, since childhood has always enjoyed transforming materials, such as wood and silk, and then turning to clay.

It is with this medium that she has been able to extract the most emotion, movement, beauty and sincerity.

René Lalique and The Baccanthes

Lalique's career was a crescendo until the second half of the 1920s when he took part in the "International Exposition of Modern Industrial and Decorative Arts" in Paris (1925) as a glass artisan and representative of the Art Déco movement. 

Philippe Starck & Baccarat

We present the Baccarat Collection designed by the artist Philippe Starck, a splendid composition of art conceived and selected for us, dedicated to our corners of paradise in our homes..... works that remain in time, works rich in light, sentiment and symbolism...