
The designer Pierre Charpin together with Saint-Louis has composed a new contemporary lifestyle collection. Cadence is set to music by Pierre Charpin's designs and comes from a symphony orchestrated within the crystal manufacturing, a rich score in tune with the present day. The horizontal linearity represents our life in the passage of time, the vertical linearity which intersects with the horizontal line, creates a point which, if we were on a horizontal plane, would be the point for our ascesis, the point from which we could, stopping and reflecting in ourselves , to rise to the higher levels of our inner being .
This even if we were in space because from that meeting point, we could detach ourselves for our Zenit and our Nadir. The linearity of our circumference presents a center from which indefinite rays depart, viable roads for our life journey, unique roads for each of us, all elevating roads for our life and from each point of these rays, it is possible to meet ring roads lines that can open us to new and renewed paths.

Philippe Starck is one of the most famous designers in the world today. Eclectic, he is known for his striking architectural works, design creations and everyday consumer goods.
He became famous in 1982 for designing the private flats at the Elysée Palace for then-President François Mitterrand and for designing the interiors of Café Costes.
Starck has worked for numerous luxury hotels and famous haute couture designers.