

Water Lily: Daum 'Le Lys d'Eau' Sculpture Limited Edition 57/125


The soaring appearance of the Water Lily that the master craftsmen of Daum Crystalworks have managed so masterfully to create, expresses with great sinuosity and elegance, the momentum of life, its birth, its mystery, its journey through time.

The delicacy and suppleness and strength that the stem of the Water Lily through its emergence from the water, makes us understand and conveys the meaning of the life of Genesis that therefore develops in its quest for Light, Sun and Life.

As the Water Lily that from the depths of the waters of the gardens tends to reach the light of the Sun, which it precisely seeks through the rays that penetrate the water , so life stretches out subtly rising through the narrow recesses of nature to reach the light of life and the Sun.


Horse: Baccarat "Cheval" Marengo Midnight


Introducing the legendary Horse favored by Napoleon Bonaparte, reinterpreted by Baccarat in Midnight Blue Crystal....

A Wonderful Horse, rich in Splendor, Illuminated in Night Blue, almost lightened by moonbeams, almost seems to joyfully greet and welcome us with fresh youth.

The energy , vigor , youth , splendid line and form and splendid bold enthusiasm that the new "Cheval Marengo Midnight" conveys , saturates the environment that welcomes it with that form of beauty that architecture in its modern and classical expressions continues to convey to us.

This authentic masterpiece is an expression of the exceptional masterpiece by the best craftsmen in France carved from a single block of Crystal.


Frida Kahlo: Lladrò Porcelain Sculpture


A splendid porcelain sculpture representing Frida Kahlo, a wonderful and interesting Mexican painter born in Mexico city in 1907 and died in 1954.

From her intense life di lei full of impressions and very significant expressions, we have a rich collection of paintings from the short path of her tormented life di lei and from a tragic accident at a young age, which left indelible scars on her body and soul her. 

Frida Kahlo's porcelain sculpture so rich in the color of life represents the true expression of the artist's soul and for us who observe it a splendid encouragement to face life and to observe it with eyes always turned to the depth of our interiority.


Muse: Daum "Douce Muse" Scultura Edizione Numerata 34/125


The splendid Muse of Daum, of sinuous and elegant artistic expression, presents herself with her elegance in a splendid image of beauty, art and movement.

The musicality of her movement expresses precisely the transmission and grace of thought, the transmission and depth of thought; from the Muse herself we can receive the gift of introspection in order to be able to express our infinite and indefinite intellectual source through poetry, writing, the expressed thought.

The indefinite Crystal creates softness and the lightness of the dress worn by the Muse expresses precisely the analogy of the movement of our thought which, swaying as expressed by the dress itself, helps us to find the evolutionary synthesis of our reflections.


Iceberg: Baccarat "Menhir" Block


Baccarat Menhirs shine reminding us of the beauty of crystal light , its brightness and purity and transparency , and at the same time reminding us of the magical and profound meaning that carries these stones and even now surprises us. 

The wonderful Sculpture that we present to you throughout history one of their functions then was to receive the information that the cosmos sent to distribute it to the earth and to collect all the energies of the earth to send them to the sky, a truly unique artistic object.


Owl: Baccarat "Eagle Owl Midnight"


The splendid Eagle presents itself captivating every glance for its magical brightness, transparency, depth.

The sinuous and slender shape, solid and gentle at the same time, conveys the beauty of Baccarat's art and the charm of this splendid Bird, so interesting for the depth of its life.

The Eagle appears, in the Art of Baccarat, precisely in its Majestic Signorility; it observes with acute attention, from the top of her peaks, immersed in the Blue of the high skies.